Antik Affiliate Program Rules
1. Participants of the affiliate program

1.1 Any individual can participate in the Affiliate Program provided that these individuals are Users of Antik products.

1.2 Only the User of Antik products who advertises in Antik independently, without resorting to the help of third parties, can become the owner of the referral link. The User becomes the owner of the referral link after generating a personal referral link in the Antik Personal Account. One Antik User can get only one referral link.

1.3 Each Participant of the Affiliate Program confirms that he is familiar with these rules, unconditionally and unequivocally accepts their conditions, and guarantees that he will observe them throughout the entire term of the Affiliate Program.

2. Rights and obligations of the organizer of the affiliate program

2.1 The Organizer of the Affiliate Program has the right to:

2.1.1 At its own discretion, without explaining the reasons to the Participants and without entering into correspondence with them, declare any actions of the Participants of the Affiliate Program invalid, as well as prohibit further participation in the Affiliate Program to any person in respect of whom the Organizer has reasonable suspicions that he is forging data or benefiting from any forgery of data necessary for participation in the Affiliate Program, behaves incorrectly towards other Participants of the Affiliate Program, Organizer of the Affiliate Program.

2.1.2 The Organizer reserves the right not to enter into written negotiations or other contacts with Participants, except as provided for in these Rules, and in the event of disputes.

2.1.3 At its discretion, unilaterally terminate, change or temporarily cease the Affiliate Program if for some reason the Affiliate Program cannot be conducted as planned, including any reason beyond the control of the Organizer that distorts or affects performance, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct.

2.1.4 Engage third parties to organize the Affiliate Program.

2.2 The Organizer of the Affiliate Program is obliged to:

2.2.1 Credit bonuses to Participants of the Affiliate Program who have fulfilled all the conditions of this Affiliate Program.

2.3 The Organizer of the Affiliate Program is not responsible to the Participants:

2.3.1 For non-performance (untimely performance) by Participants of their obligations provided for by these Rules;

2.3.2 For failures in the work of communication operators directly serving Participants, for system failures and other technical malfunctions of the Internet provider.

2.3.3 For the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Participants and the information posted.

2.3.4 For force majeure circumstances.

3. Rules of the affiliate program

3.1 The owner of the referral link sends the referral link to Internet users who are not registered in Antik products.

3.2 An Internet user who has not previously registered in Antik registers in Antik by going through the referral link and filling out the registration form in Antik (hereinafter referred to as the Referral).

3.3 For each activated Referral, the owner of the referral link is credited with a commission from the funds spent by the attracted Referral in the Antik Personal Account.

3.4 The size of the commission depends on the Referral level of the Referrer. The referral level is set based on the results of the last closed reporting period and is updated every month. The reporting period closes on the last day of each month.

3.5 Grade, commission sizes, conditions for achieving the Referral level:

1. Base – 15% deductions for the Referrer, from 0 to 15 new Referrals
2. Advance – 20% deductions for the Referrer, from 16 to 30 new Referrals
3. Pro – 25% deductions for the Referrer, from 31 to 50 new Referrals
4. God – 30% deductions for the Referrer, more than 51 new Referrals

3.6 A new Referral is a user who has never previously been registered and has not used Antik products.

3.7 Bonuses are credited within one week.

3.8 Bonus accrual is made in the "Affiliate Program" section in the Antik Personal Account.

3.9 Transfer of bonuses from the "Affiliate Program" section in the Antik Personal Account is possible only in the USDT TRC20 cryptocurrency to your details after 2 calendar weeks from the moment of appeal with a request to Antik Support.

3.10 Bonuses received by the owner of the referral link cannot be transferred to another Antik Personal Account.

4. Prohibited methods of using the affiliate program

4.1 Spam mailings using the affiliate code of the program.

4.2 Creating fraudulent applications using the contacts of organizations without the client's consent.

4.3 Creating applications on behalf of companies, agencies or a group of partners in which the owner of the referral link is an employee or other kind of participant.

4.4 Use in advertising materials as a link a list of brand words and domain names see below.

4.5 Use brand requests (product names) when conducting a contextual advertising campaign as key phrases.

4.6 Use in the text of advertising materials the word "official" and its derivatives (with the exception of the phrase "official partner" and its derivatives).

We check all applications and can suspend the payment of rewards until the final check of your traffic sources and refuse in case of violations.

List of brand words, their derivatives and phrases with them, the use of which is prohibited in advertising systems Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords, Begun and their partners' systems, list of domain names: antik browser, antik, antik, antik browser, antikbrowser, antic, antic browser

Antik reserves the right to unilaterally change the rules and conditions of the affiliate program.

Examples of using affiliate links

The referral link and affiliate code will help you attract new customers and increase your productivity.

We have collected 8 ways to work with these tools and explained how to assess their effectiveness.

1. Placement of a link on a website or blog

Add links to articles published on your website or blog. If you cover the intricacies of using multi-accounting in the material, then indicate a link to the service that will help solve this process.

2. Placement of a link in social networks

Use the link in posts of your own group or add it in comments to posts in thematic communities (provided that this does not violate their rules). Make sure that the comment does not look like intrusive advertising.

2.1 Community name and design

Antik logos are registered trademarks, they cannot be used in the logo of another legal entity. We write the name of the company without errors: correctly - Antik Browser

It is forbidden to use:

• Outdated logos and icons of products.
• Style / colors / images of one product to promote another.
• Elements of Antik logos in your logos.

2.2 Community filling

It is forbidden:

• Copy posts and pictures from official Antik communities in social networks without indicating the source.
• Use images and / or texts of dubious content (black humor, humor "below the belt", obscene expressions, etc.).


• Create your own unique content.
• Use information from the official website indicating the source with a direct link.
• Make reposts from official communities using the "Share in your community" icon.

2.3 Advertising in social networks

It is forbidden:

• Use domain names of Antik in advertising materials as a link.
• Use product names in targeted advertising campaigns as key phrases.
• Use the word "official" and its derivatives in advertising materials (with the exception of the phrase "official partner" and its derivatives).

3. Placement of a link in banner advertising

Place clickable banners with a referral link on your website or on social networks.

4. Placement of a link under the video

Place a review or instructions for working in the service on a video hosting (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.), and add a referral link in the description under the video. The number of clicks on the link will increase with the number of views.

5. Placement of a link in the media

Prepare useful materials for online publications about multi-accounting, safe work on the Internet or bypassing blockages and add a referral link to Antik products in them.

6. Placement of a link on a review site

Ask clients to leave reviews on specialized sites indicating your link or tell about Antik services yourself.

7. Placement of a link when using services for contextual advertising

Use Yandex.Direct, Google.Adwords, Begun and other contextual advertising services to bring clients to your website or blog where articles with referral links are posted (see method # 1). When setting up advertising, do not indicate product names - replace them with popular search queries. For example: "what is an antidetect browser" instead of "Antik - try for free".

8. Placement of a link on a forum

Use the link in the signature on the forums. Leave it only in those discussions that are thematically related to the service. Otherwise, you risk getting into spam, and Antik has the right not to take into account applications for such links. The text in which the link is embedded should tell the reader where he will get after clicking and call to action. For example: "I recommend Antik Browser for working with traffic arbitrage".
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